Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Academic Lock Step Response free essay sample

They are free to make their own decisions about their life and take responsibility for themselves when it comes to making decisions about their future. But sadly colleges have become too standardized for students, thus taking away from heir individuality and freedom to make decisions by providing the students with requirements and pre-requisites that they need to fulfill to graduate with a specific degree.Pages 1 1-13 make clear that these colleges need to make a change and understand that not everyone is the same, and that not everyone is average in regards to how they learn and understand concepts that are taught to them. Colleges should not only record and base the majority of their results on quantitative data, but rather on qualitative data to illuminate retain characteristics within students that are hidden when grades are all that matter.The idea of college is becoming one of conformity rather than one of individuality, which it should be. We will write a custom essay sample on Academic Lock Step Response or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The problem in this is being that the more intellectual students are held back due to the lack of accelerated courses because colleges make their main focus to appealing towards the average rather than the individual. Now the colleges are beginning to realize the effectiveness of appealing to the individual by taking steps towards variety instead uniformity.

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